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The EDP Foundation contributes to the best training of young university students by means of their grant programmes that likewise facilitate their insertion on the job market. At the same time, primary and secondary education are not overlooked, with the implementation of different initiatives aimed at the rational use of energy, along with the importance of the renewable energies.
The EDP Foundation also prioritises research in the field of energy and in all aspects of the efficiency of the energy system, along with the key aspect of bio-medicine and bio-technology, which are key for the future.
2022 127
2021 149
2019 179
2018 290
Number of Trainess have completed placements at the different centers of the energy company.2022 127,915
2021 119,890
2020 4,245
2019 8,716
No. of students taking part in the Long Live Our Energy “Viva Nuestra Energía” / “Tu Energía” programme.The Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation was established in 2014 to drive major progress in research in the biomedicine field.
Education and Research
This initiative seeks to foster the entrepreneur culture among young upper secondary and vocational training students by means of an e-learning platform.
Education and Research
Green Education is an EDPR programme which started in 2010 that provides study grants.
Education and Research
Every year, the thermal and hydroelectric power plants play host to a number of primary and secondary schoolchildren.
Education and Research
68 university students, 58 of them from the University of Oviedo, begin their training with energy company EDP today.
Education and Research
Los estudiantes podrán solicitarlas entre el 6 y el 15 de septiembre.
Education and Research
Today 138 university students, 65 of them from the University of Oviedo, finish their training at energy company EDP.
Education and Research
Commitment to culture, diversity and inclusion are
hallmarks of the EDP Foundation, and so it is collaborating with Eidabe in a Basque play: "Piztu! EmakumeON energía", meaning "Switch on women power".
Education and Research
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