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EDP Foundation to award 800,000 euros to 23 solidarity projects 12.03.2021

The initiatives will be carried out as part of the EDP Solidaria programme, to the benefit of 90,000 people in Andalusia, Aragón, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Madrid, the Community of Valencia, Galicia, Extremadura, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

The EDP Foundation joins the “Ópera y +” programme at Cruces University Hospital 12.03.2021

The program turns around 'bel canto' as a tool for inclusion and personal development, with the purpose of generating emotional well-being and bringing culture and lyricism closer to the chronic patients of the Basque hospital center.



The EDP Foundation and ECODES start up “RehabilitArte con Energía” 11.24.2021

The programme improves the energy efficiency of 10 vulnerable households in Zaragoza, and brings the energy culture to the entire neighbourhood through an urban mural.

The EDP Foundation at the International Printmaking and Art on Paper Festival - FIG Bilbao 11.24.2021

More than 60 galleries, 500 works of art and cultural activities at the 10th FIG Festival, with Portugal as the guest country.



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