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Initiatives Education and Research

  • Biomedical Research Foundation

    The Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation was established in 2014 to drive major progress in research in the biomedicine field.


    Education and Research

  • STARTInnova

    This initiative seeks to foster the entrepreneur culture among young upper secondary and vocational training students by means of an e-learning platform.


    Education and Research

  • Green Education Scholarships

    Green Education is an EDPR programme which started in 2010 that provides study grants.


    Education and Research

  • School visits to EDP facilities

    Every year, the thermal and hydroelectric power plants play host to a number of primary and secondary schoolchildren.


    Education and Research

  • Educating for Sustainability: “Viva Nuestra Energía” school programme

    This programme which seeks to disseminate sustainability in schools has been run in the Autonomous regions of the Principality of Asturias, the Basque Country, Cantabria, Murcia, Madrid and Castilla La Mancha.


    Education and Research

  • Support for scientific research (DIPC)

    DIPC is an organisation which promotes scientific research and technological development activities in the fields of basic and applied physics.


    Education and Research

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