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The EDP Foundation Academy seeks to boost the organisational capacities of associates in order to reinforce their social impact and help meet the EDP Solidaria programme's global objective.
Training is carried out by EDP Volunteers (Skills Volunteer Force) and by professional experts in various areas.
EDP SOLIDARITYis an initiative that aims to improve the quality of life and the integration of the most deprived.
Every year, since 1981, this renowned institution has awarded the Prince of Asturias Awards (now entitled Princess of Asturias Awards).
The EDP Foundation has sponsored the opening ceremony of the 2015 International Festival of Santander (FIS).
This classical music festival started in 1939 and has become the oldest music festival in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe.
The scholarship is open to individuals and groups of artists from or resident in Spain, with no age limit
This initiative seeks to foster the entrepreneur culture among young upper secondary and vocational training students by means of an e-learning platform.
Education and Research
The Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation was established in 2014 to drive major progress in research in the biomedicine field.
Education and Research
The purpose of this institution is to organise activities and concerts related to the Opera.
As part of the programme “Planting Trees for Biodiversity”, which is aimed at increasing the available tree area, the EDP Foundation has signed collaboration agreements to plant indigenous trees. The programme started in 2009 and, since then, has planted more than 140,000 trees in Asturias.
The Asturias Bear Foundation (FOA) is a non-profit private cultural entity.
SED (Solidarity, Education and Development) is a non-profit Development Non-Governmental Organisation working in Spain, whose fundamental aim is solidarity with the most underprivileged.
This programme which seeks to disseminate sustainability in schools has been run in the Autonomous regions of the Principality of Asturias, the Basque Country, Cantabria, Murcia, Madrid and Castilla La Mancha.
Education and Research
DIPC is an organisation which promotes scientific research and technological development activities in the fields of basic and applied physics.
Education and Research
It is one of the leading orchestras in the Spanish symphony scene.
The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the iconic buildings of the third millennium and is associated to concepts of contemporariness, technology, avant-garde and design.
For many years now, the EDP Foundation has been working with different environmental associations.
EDPR has a cooperation agreement in place with the Castilla y León Natural Heritage Foundation to organise different initiatives in the environmental field in the autonomous community.
Sponsorship of and help with festivals held in the three provinces of the Basque Country to support the Basque School.
Green Education is an EDPR programme which started in 2010 that provides study grants.
Education and Research
Every year, the thermal and hydroelectric power plants play host to a number of primary and secondary schoolchildren.
Education and Research
The purpose of this institution is to organise activities and concerts related to the Opera and, which includes organising an annual opera season.
The objective of the Foundation is: to showcase the range of cultural activities of Donostia-San Sebastián.
On 21 July 2014, the EDP Corporate Volunteering Programme unveiled its latest initiative, "Solidarity Computers” [Ordenadores Solidarios], which is up and running in EDP Spain and EDP Renewables.
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