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68 university students, 58 of them from the University of Oviedo, begin their training with energy company EDP today.
Education and Research
Los estudiantes podrán solicitarlas entre el 6 y el 15 de septiembre.
Education and Research
Today 138 university students, 65 of them from the University of Oviedo, finish their training at energy company EDP.
Education and Research
Commitment to culture, diversity and inclusion are
hallmarks of the EDP Foundation, and so it is collaborating with Eidabe in a Basque play: "Piztu! EmakumeON energía", meaning "Switch on women power".
Education and Research
Students who wish to carry out their work placements at EDP will be able to apply for one of the 78 grants that will be provided, from the 1st to the 15th of September
Education and Research
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