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Cooperation with the Castilla y León Natural Heritage Foundation



EDPR has a cooperation agreement in place with the Castilla y León Natural Heritage Foundation to organise different initiatives in the environmental field in the autonomous community.

As a result of this agreement, one of the initiatives funded as part of the programme was open in 2013, the restoration of the Villasandino lakes in the province of Burgos.

This site, a former arid extraction zone, underwent major environmental recovery measures basically focused on favouring the restoring of the local vegetation to increase its waterlogging capacity. A wetland system has thus been achieved that also results in controlled flooding in exceptional cases of the River Orda overflowing. The project has improved the habitat for numerous aquatic species and the zones have been adapted by creating islets. Furthermore, the landscape was greatly improved by building slopes to prevent erosion and as acoustic insulation for the noise from the dual-carriage way.

The Natural Heritage Foundation was represented by José Manuel Jiménez Blázquez, a member of its board and General Manager for Sustainability and Environmental Quality of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, at the institutional event.

The sponsorship agreement signed by EDPR with the Castilla y León Natural Heritage Foundation also envisages other initiatives including:

  • Improving the BU-10.601 hunting intensive area, including the recovery of several natural rafts in Carcedo de Burgos.
  • The project to construct the Aliseda de Tormes river learning centre.
  • The project to upgrade the paths of the “Neila Glacial Lakes” Natural Park and sign posting for public use.
  • Monitoring Dupont’s Lark around Medinaceli.
  • The initiatives to monitor, conserve and improve the habitat of the black stork, black vulture, imperial eagle and birds of prey in the province of Ávila.

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